Posted on January 19, 2003 in Roach-B-Gone
I acquired a new blog roach. This courageous soul from Dove Canyon pretty much affirmed what I suggested about the residents of that community here and here. You got to love folks who take swipes at you because you suggested their paranoia and pretty much prove it by leaving anonymous email addresses. Guess the garbage beetle realizes that come the revolution, he/she/it will be first up against the wall?
Incidentally, he/she/it referred to me as a “jealous peasant”. For the record, I am proud that my blood is untainted with nobility or royalty: I wouldn´t want traces of that mob of murderers, genocidal maniacs, opium dealers, robbers, inbred families, etc. in my DNA. Call me a Peasant any day! I’m not the one who should be ashamed of my roots!