Posted on March 28, 2003 in War
Not too many days ago, Jeremy linked to an article by Matt Taibii describing current media coverage of the war as a kind of pornography, an extended “Letters to Penthouse” where reporters gush about how the massive assault ‘feels like an earthquake’ and the language of media coverage contains multiple sexual double entendres:
“bunker call,” “target of opportunity,” “pinpoint strike,” “size of California,” “embedded reporter,” “tip of the spear,” “wave of steel,” “coalition of the willing,” DMZ, CENTCOM, and my favorite, JOC–Joint Operations Center.
Few people outside of the USA — and not a small number inside it — trust the media. So when a Turkish friend asked me where she could get reports on the war, I jokingly referred her to Naked News.
The script for this program is straight. The anchors deliver it with the same intonations and clarity that you’ve come to expect from the major news outlets. The twist is that they strip while they deliver it.
Watch it. They have male and female versions. See the sexual subtexts implied in routine news photos. Observe how the language of journalist leads you towards a climax. And then, in the privacy of your own home, have an orgasm to go with the wargasm now airing on the local networks.
Be honest about it: it’s for the thrill that you watch the news. So why not go all the way?
Keep a towel handy.