Home - California Watch - The Orange - West Nile Virus

West Nile Virus

Posted on July 24, 2004 in The Orange West Nile Virus

square140.gifI saw the notices posted around Peters Canyon lake on the July 4th weekend. West Nile Virus killed its first California victim here in Orange County. Am I afraid? I keep this in mind:

Authorities are telling people to be cautious – try to avoid being out when you are most likely to be bitten by a mosquito. During the two hours after dusk you should be extra careful, they say – use insect repellent and make sure there is no standing water.

I also don’t fit the profile: I don’t have any immune system disorder or an organ transplant like the 57 year old man who died here in June. Besides that, the chaparral is dry: the only body of water here is chlorinated. Chances are that I will show no symptoms if I contract it.

We’re not talking about a Biblical plague: we’re talking about a disease which only affects a few and only a small percentage of those die.

I plan to take the CDC’s advice: stay inside after dusk when I am in vicinity of Upper Newport Bay.

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