Posted on September 8, 2009 in Equality Hatred
Training against racism is like toilet training. It’s something every parent must do.
People are going to grab onto the latest study out of the University of Texas and declare “See. Racism is natural.” This conclusion is based on a scientific fact: children tend to bond with those who are like them. Clothe some children in red shirts and others in blue shirts, they will insist that those who wear the same shirt color as they wear bear certain superior qualities. They like to segregate.
This could be the basis of hate, Newsweek thinks, but we’re left with a problem: how come some people rose above it all before the emancipation of the slaves and the civil rights movement? One study has an interesting conclusion:
Of all those Vittrup told to talk openly about interracial friendship, only six families managed to actually do so. And, for all six, their children dramatically improved their racial attitudes in a single week. Talking about race was clearly key. Reflecting later about the study, Vittrup said, “A lot of parents came to me afterwards and admitted they just didn’t know what to say to their kids, and they didn’t want the wrong thing coming out of the mouth of their kids.”
I’m very suspicious of studies which say we’re doomed because of our nature. The Newsweek article carries that theme heavily in its headline. But the real story is more complicated: we choose based on who we’re around. White kids are fine with black people if they are around black people. It’s the message that gets passed on to them that matters.
I went to a racially integrated junior high and high school. I was attacked by black kids twice. This is the obsession of white parents — that blacks have switchblades that they will use to gut you. But I was bullied and attacked by white kids many more times. Where teachers and administrators leave the handling of violence to the kids, bullying is going to happen regardless of the races. My own experience — and that of many others — is that people tend to bully those of their own race.
It’s a bit like the plot of A Soldier’s Story — members of a group try to enforce their idea of group loyalty on “their own”. In the eyes of the whites who attacked me, I was a wimp because I would not hit back. That I didn’t believe in race hatred (an idea that I developed in spite of my parents who while not Klansmen still reveled in their own milder kind of hatred) made me a further pariah. I had to be set in line and if that didn’t work, culled. I remember even then how so-called Christians believed in the concept of racial inferiority because of their interpretations of the Bible. They would be civil and even kind towards the blacks they knew. But among whites, they would come out as haters. I have no doubt how they voted in school elections.
There’s this whole team idea that comes into play. On its most benign level, it’s the high school football or basketball game. You are one with the team no matter what color they are. But there’s still this animosity that gets encouraged against members of other teams that can reinforce racism when a white team from the suburbs plays a black inner city one. There’s a tendency to step it up to higher levels. Republicans obviously see themselves as still involved in a huge game in which they must destroy the Democrats at all costs. Team America is busy hunting down the Taliban in Afghanistan. And a large chunk of ignorant whites continue to hate blacks.
Maybe the discrimination of differences isn’t so bad. Maybe it is all right for whites to prefer whites and blacks to prefer blacks, to make their own cultures. Diversity is founded on that principle. But I think the root of the problem is this: We’re not in a big high school death match. We’re not required to think that the other team is Evil Incarnate — to be excluded, kept down, defeated, obliterated. Do we really need to see everything we do as a competition?
Enough of teams, I say, and up with people. Accept that everyone gets a place in our society that is largely their choice tempered by their abilities. Team White is still caught in the old thinking. It’s time that it reforms and learns the new plays.
Posted on September 4, 2009 in Civic Responsibility Culture Wars Education
The onslaught of negative media coverage regarding a simple public address to school children must be seen as part of a plan: to erase the message of Hope. How else can you explain the apparent opposition to the principle of working hard in school and making sure that you graduate?
In responding to this, I have seen liberals and progressives faltering into exactly what the reactionaries and hatebaggers want — forgetting the dream. It’s been said that conservatives vote their fears while liberals vote their dreams. We must remember our dreams just as we did during last year’s successful campaign to unseat Republican rule in this country.
The aim for our nation’s students is to be well-educated and smart, to have the intellectual tools they need to think for themselves. It may be that they come up with means of living together that transcend our current politics. Let those minds develop and grow with one another.
Their parents aren’t doing so well.
UPDATE (9/9/2009): Now George W. Bush is planning to give his own talk to Texas schoolchildren. Dubya seems determined to make his place in history as the man who divided the country. Maybe he will surprise us, but I doubt it.
Posted on September 4, 2009 in Site News
A few years ago, noting that it was taking its toll on my mental health, I resolved to keep my political postings in check. Now I am realizing that while I am mostly keeping to the promise of only two political posts per week, I am not posting much else which rather defeats the purpose. I am going to work on posting more about other things. I need to reignite my imagination.
Posted on September 3, 2009 in Accountability Suicide
I must begin this with the disclosure that I have long disliked Minnesota Republican Michelle Bachmann. But until now, I wrote her off as just another demagogue in a party of demagogues. Recent news reports now tell me that there is something far more serious happening in her life and I fear for her safety — from herself.
Her talking to God reeks of religiosity. But more chilling are the words she delivered on September 1, 2009:
What we have to do today is make a covenant, to slit our wrists, be blood brothers on this thing.
Minnesota Republicans and family should watch her closely. She is beginning to speak in a way that sounds like she is a danger to self.
Posted on September 3, 2009 in Encounters Weather
Now that the heat wave has mostly passed for now, I’ve been seeing more sunburns. One waited in the drug store line, stripped to the waist, his short reddish hair looking like a grassland that has been macheted back. No sooner had I passed this wonder than another joined the back of the queue. Mostly men eager to see wrinkles and pits on their faces.
Posted on August 30, 2009 in Fact-Dropping Weather
Strange thing about the heat. When it passes the temperature of the human body outside, you start feeling chills. It’s like wearing a raincoat, but at the same time you feel hot.
Back in high school, we conducted an experiment that explained this. You put a pin in ice water, then touched the head to various parts of the skin. In some places you felt cold. In others nothing at all.
You have both cold receptors and warmth receptors in your skin. The interesting thing is that when you get hot enough, the cold receptors start sending messages to your brain. Hence you get heat chills.
It’s 102 F (39 C) at the moment. Even with air conditioning, I can feel the frigid blast of the heat wave coming through my window.
Posted on August 29, 2009 in Falsehoods History Liberals & Progressives
You’ve heard Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh both say it: Liberals are Nazis. The next time a dittohead throws this little gem at you, ask them these questions which are all based in fact. Dittoheads hate the Truth, so don’t be surprised if they blubber and say “But Nazis are socialists.” It’s to be expected from people who think Fox News presents “the facts” in a “fair and balanced” manner ((You can call yourself anything. Socialist was a cool thing to be at the time. Look at how the folks who cheered when people were arrested for wearing shirts critical of Bush declare themselves to be champions of freedom.)) . Stick to your guns. Expose the lie whenever it is presented so reasonable people will learn the difference.
A classic trick of the Nazis was to accuse your opponent of the things you yourself were guilty of. The Extreme Right speaks of death panels: it’s a lie that these are a part of Obamacare. The term came out of insurance industry jargon for those lists these companies kept of conditions whose sufferers would be just left to die.
If you want to know what the Extreme Right plans, just look at what they accuse the Democrats of.
If you are disturbed because some of these positions reflect those of the extreme elements of the GOP, then think twice the next time you accuse Liberals, moderates, and reasonable conservatives of being Nazis.
Posted on August 26, 2009 in Strange
I’d heard all kinds of rumors about Chappaquidick over the years. The most common one was that Mary Jo Kopeckne was pregnant so Kennedy deliberately killed her. But the strangest tale, alledgedly one step from the source, was delivered in a private message to me in an IRC chat room many years ago.
This person does not dispute that Kennedy was drunk out of his mind. So were the aides who were having a time with him. According to my source, Mary Jo Kopechne got drunk very fast and left the party early. Kennedy and another female aide got into his car and drove off. A few minutes later, they came back, laughing hard. “Can you believe it?” Kennedy said. “She was so blasted she drove the car off of the bridge.” Everyone had one good laugh and the Senator said he would deal with it in the morning.
What they didn’t know was Mary Jo Kopechne was sleeping in the back seat.
Kennedy was surprised when the police woke him to tell him that they’d found the car with the body of Kopeckne in it, but to protect his aide, he told police that he had driven the car. The name of the other aide was kept out of the report. He was, after all, a United States Senator and senators had big shoulders. Her life would be ruined if the story came out, but he would find a way to move on if they blamed him.
I can’t tell you if this story is true or not. Such tales float around the Net, carried on the lips of conspiracy theorists. But this one is unusual for two reasons: it partly exonerates the-liberal-senator-who-the-reactionaries-could-never-kill. And I only heard it whispered to me once.
Comments for this article are off. If you post any comments on it to other articles, your remarks will be deleted.
Posted on August 21, 2009 in Privacy The InterNet
Among the blogging crowd I associate myself with most strongly, hiding one’s identity is almost a given. Few of us — unless our lives have already been ruined — want the world to know that we suffer from bipolar disorder. It’s the kiss of death for employers, a reason for social ostracism.
Outside the clan of the mentally ill, I confess I have had problems with those who conceal their identity. But that reticense is on the decline as I read more and more stories about people getting screwed because of things that they say on their blog. The most recent victim is Pittgirl who was fired on Thursday after abandoning her anonymity.
The obsession of employers to know everything about their employees was fiercely underlined when the City of Bozeman, Montana asked applicants to give the account names and passwords for all of their social media accounts. This kind of paranoia is only mildly unusual. The tendency for employers to sweep the web for anything employees have said online is well-established and has cost some people their jobs. I feel for any of the other Joel Saxes out there who might find co-workers giving them the evil eye because they suspect their Joel Sax to be me.
Willingly we who blog give up a piece of our privacy. It does not follow, however, that it is fair play to fire people for the things they say on their blogs (except when giving away trade secrets as stipulated in a contract) or to out them without their permission. Some of the Founding Fathers (see the Federalist Papers for example) chose to write from behind the mask of anonymity. We should respect them for who they are except when a clear and present danger to society can be demonstrated. Being someone’s boss or political representative does not suffice as clear and present danger.
For a discussion of the pitfalls of anonymity, click here.
Posted on August 17, 2009 in Bipolar Disorder Insurance
*REVISED* 8/23/2009
Twenty years ago, a young man was in serious difficulties. Waves of depression paralyzed him at a terrible job in a declining small business. He had difficulty sleeping at night. He had unexplainable chest pains and dizzy spells. When he went to the trailer in a warehouse that served as the personnel office, he learned that his insurance covered next to nothing. Mental health was a joke and therefore an unnecessary expense, so he could not get help for the anxiety that drove his life into goo. The mood disorder distorted his perspective: he did not believe he could find a job elsewhere.
The decade before his employment with the tiny plastic injection molding company, he had gone from job to job, never finding a place where he had health insurance. He did work, but mostly in temporary and part time jobs which didn’t offer an insurance package ((It is often said that the people who lack health insurance in this country are lazy. It’s the opposite — they often hold down more than one job to pay the bills, working hours that squeeze their hearts with stress and wear down their brains)) . His bizarre behavior sometimes cost him positions. He held on to the lousy job because, driven by his undiagnosed conditions, he believed that he could not reach for sanity. There was no money for it.
When the company finally folded after an unionization attempt, he was a nervous wreck. Using his wife’s insurance after she received a raise, he finally sought help and was diagnosed with major depression. Prozac was still not enough. He got into frequent fights on the Net, sometimes waking his wife up at impossible hours to watch them. Using his credit card, he pushed his family $40,000 in the red ((Excessive spending is a hallmark of mania)) . Video and online games were his self-medication ((I don’t believe video games make you crazy. I think they are a magnet, however, for people limping along with obsessions.)) .
Ten years later, doctors discovered a congenital heart condition and eleven years later, he was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. He held no job during this time.
I believe that the life of this young man — who was me — would have been different if he had had insurance. I know that if I could have afforded reasonable care during my twenties, I would not be a house-husband today. I could have worked. I could have taken out loans and gone back to school. But my mind was a swamp and I panicked at every thought.
The current plan proposed by a Blue Dog-Republican coalition will not guarantee insurance to all nor bring down insurance premiums. How many other lives will be wrecked by lack of insurance? Give it to them.
Posted on August 16, 2009 in Dreams
I’m at the beach. There’s a deep, V-shaped trough between the actual beach and the mainland. People who sit in the trough are overcome by the waves and sometimes drown, so I scramble out of it and sit on the crest of the sand dunes. Feeling smug, I look out to sea. A gigantic blue wave forms. I can see sperm whales, pilot whales, dolphins, giant squid, and large fish being carried up by it. It smashes against the beach, covering me several feet deep in the tide. I catch my breath before it hits, though, and am able to hold it until the water subsides.
My anxiety is, strangely, minimal.
Posted on August 7, 2009 in Anxiety
Two weeks ago, the monitor for my computer in the office just fizzled. I came in and there was nothing but blackness on the screen. The void was before me. Death came in a glass and plastic box. So having three such computers, I stole the monitor from the one which was least used and connected it to my preferred spot. I lined up all the speakers and the webcam on the top, then kept on blogging and tweeting.
Yesterday morning, the void returned. More literally than you would expect. The same blackness was there. I screamed at this second burnout. Then I tried the monitor on the computer from which I had seized last go round and it worked. A closer inspection of the monitor on my main computer showed that it was the one I had moved before — same model, with the same decals, same wax markings where I had glued little Buddha statues. In other words, the dead monitor had found its way back.
I called Lynn, asked her if she had switched the monitors. We argued for several minutes about whether or not this had really happened. It was hard for me to keep my temper because I felt tired. “You have to understand that this is the kind of thing that triggers my paranoid impulses,” I said. “We’ve got to get to the truth here.”
Then I considered somnambulism, better known as [[sleepwalking]] as the explanation. If this is the reason for it, I am quite impressed at the way I got both monitors properly connected and everything back in its place.
Sleepwalking is not literally walking in your sleep. What happens is that you are awake, but not completely. Whatever you do, you won’t remember. My endrocrinologist — who assured me that it was highly unlikely that someone was coming into my house just to switch the monitors ((Twitter politics can get to be such that some begin making threats and stalking others. Still others believe this is happening in the absence of hard evidence. This is kind of a joke with me, but in the days before my diagnosis and proper treatment, I was amenable to such explanations.)) — told me about a patient of hers who dutifully made her lunch every evening only to find in the morning that she had eaten it. A fellow Tweeter said that she sometimes woke to find herself standing over the sink with a half-finished drink in her hand. People eat, drink, clean, drive cars, shoplift, and do all kinds of things when they are in this state. So could I have moved the monitors? It appears that I did.
The secret agent operating against me is me. Why can’t I get myself to do the cleaning?