Home - 2002 (Page 40)

Year: 2002

My favorite quiz

Posted on August 2, 2002 in Myths & Mysticism Quizzes

I call myself an agnostic, but the Belief-O-Matic quiz says that I fit in better as a Theravada Buddhist, a Unitarian, or a Liberal Quaker. Which is fine by me because all three religions put the emphasis on being a good person over shaking the beads, quoting the text, or calling other people unbelievers.

I am a member of Palo Alto Friends Meeting, but I haven’t transferred my membership south to Orange County Friends yet because of my ambivalence about God and organized religion. I think the question that made me more a Buddhist than a Quaker had to do with my attitudes about reincarnation. When faced with the question of what happens to us after we die, I applied the laws of physics, remembered energy is never destroyed but always reused, and answered appropriately. I don’t know that I will come back in one piece. Chances are there will be little bits of my soul scattered about the landscape, some of it in human beings or animals, some in flowers, and some in the dirt. This personal idea of reincarnation puts a whole new spin on electricity: sometimes I look up at a neon sign and think “that could be Dad!”

I’d love to hear about you scored. Go to Belief-Net, take the Belief-O-Matic quiz and then use the comments link at the end of this article to tell me how you turn out.

They’re doing better

Posted on August 2, 2002 in Quizzes

What Psych-Ward do you belong to?

They don’t have a clue

Posted on August 2, 2002 in Quizzes

I am Saturday's Child
What day are you?


A Comment Made Elsewhere

Posted on August 2, 2002 in Crosstalk Peace

It’s a good thing that a free people can listen in on the Congress when it is considering whether to commit itself to becoming the world’s chief bully and make a hopeless shambles of an already bad economy. I just wonder if the big decision is going to be a smart one.



Posted on August 1, 2002 in Neighborhood Silicon Valley

I’m dying for this park.


Tully’s Again

Posted on August 1, 2002 in Cafes

….what am I to do if they start bringing me their poetry for me to read and critique?


Bearded Crazy Man

Posted on August 1, 2002 in My Beard

I think Mom is dead set on making me into a dyke.


Summer Mist

Posted on July 31, 2002 in Weather

A fog lifted from the sea has drifted inland and stayed awhile atop the hill where we live. A bank of long, flat clouds stretches northeastwards, intent on giving its gift to some other part of the continent. Sheer wisps of mist separate we mortals below from the water we need. Up there. I wonder what selfish little boy has been chanting “Rain, rain, go away!” and getting his wish to the detriment of us others?


A Look Worthy of Baudelaire

Posted on July 31, 2002 in North Carolina

When I am in the creative state, my external communication skills become more primitive as the words on the screen become more eloquent.


Fixing Things

Posted on July 31, 2002 in Cafes

I intend to extract one of two types of writer’s revenges….


What the Fork?

Posted on July 31, 2002 in Crosstalk Words

Sometimes when I am in chatrooms where the word is prohibited, I have my own collection of “acceptable variants” on the word. “Fark!” is one of the words. “Fork!” also works well as in “It’s none of your forking business!”


A fit of pique

Posted on July 30, 2002 in Cafes

No one said goodbye.

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