Home - 2002 (Page 45)

Year: 2002

The Real Moral Decline

Posted on July 14, 2002 in Social Justice

Tabloids seem to teach us two things: that we can never trust news claims of corruption and second that it isn’t worth being good because you will be killed.


Posted on July 12, 2002 in Dreams

The prison stood in the middle of the city, a gigantic skyscraper that covered a whole block with no windows. The prisoners spent their days sitting in pews. I went in with a group of Quakers who fanned out to give comfort to the many. My prisoner was a small, balding old man with a beard who sat with two of his friends, wrapped in a blanket. We passed through a line that reminded me of the checkout line at the library. A skeletal middle-aged despot perched behind a counter, checking the bags of everyone who left but none too closely. As we waited in line, I told my Quaker friends about the shivs that many of the prisoners had. Some of them had been quite friendly with the ministers and little did they know that tucked beneath the belt or taped to the arm under the sleeve the nicest of the men kept a deadly shard. The guards moved us out onto the street in groups. I noticed one fellow who was just too clean cut to be one of us. He turned out to be a prisoner making his escape. When he got outside, though, he ran to a grassy spot and began to scream. Several people crowded around him and took him back inside the cell house.

The Language of Quitters

Posted on July 12, 2002 in Peace

After Vietnam, Watergate, Iran-Contra, Whitewater, the Impeachment Imbroglio, the Starrish Inquisition, and the Stolen Election, Americans may have given up on the expectation of integrity for those in public office. Instead of striving for betterment, we are merely happy with the idea that we’re lousing up no worse than before.


Passed Over

Posted on July 11, 2002 in Weather

It can be frustrating when the hills are dessicated by the drought to watch so much water being shipped East to places where they really don’t want it.



Posted on July 11, 2002 in IRC/Chat Thinking

The word “if” doesn’t seem to exist in some chatters’ vocabularies.



Posted on July 11, 2002 in Pointers

Prostitute Rescue Organizations (Serious!)

XXXChurch (The one serious link on Sister Taffy’s page — anti-porn exploitation)

Surrealist Compliment Generator

Chick-Fil-A Cow Stolen

Henry the Mutant Lemon (Reader Contribution)

Except from Clifford Pickford’s Dreaming the Future


Beneath Mount Santiago

Posted on July 11, 2002 in Neighborhood Reflections

I’m a middle aged Jeremiah, pointing to the Jehoiakim in the White House, and watching as no one reads the scrolls he puts out.


Is Chat my only strength?

Posted on July 10, 2002 in IRC/Chat Reflections

To be quite frank, I get rather tired of seeing my friends in views falling for the same bait every time.


#news_garden debacle

Posted on July 10, 2002 in IRC/Chat

Last night, I was accused by some people of “punishing” my friends for the actions of the predators who have taken over #news_garden.



Posted on July 10, 2002 in Pointers

Jail the Bastards (Serious!)

Mystery Museum

Chupacabra Home Page



Flight from Heat and Unsaid Advice to the Young

Posted on July 9, 2002 in Cafes Reflections Weather

Before the sun can turn my condo into a broiler, I get in my truck and glide down the hill to Tully’s, to spend my afternoon writing to old Sixties and Seventies tunes.


Neighborly Interest

Posted on July 9, 2002 in Neighborhood Writing

What would they make of the discussions of the chat room disputes, my takes on contemporary politics, my mystical forays into the zoo, my thinking about photography, my rants, my love of absurd web sites, my expressions of uncertainty? Would they try to cure me?

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