Posted on July 8, 2002 in Secularism
Over the last few generations….some zealots have allowed government encroachment, Roman style, into religious affairs.
Posted on July 8, 2002 in Pointers
Sister Taffy’s Christian (Baptist) Home
Without Sin
Biblical Curse Generators
Posted on July 8, 2002 in IRC/Chat
I perceive that trolling, like murder, can be defined in much the same way as a matter of degree….
Posted on July 8, 2002 in Blogging
I’ve been through all of these phenomena and a few more besides, but I think that it was my experiences on the abUSENet and mailing lists that truly drove me to the variety of online writing in which I now indulge.
Posted on July 7, 2002 in Dreams
When I woke from my afternoon nap, the sun was shining through the Venetian blinds. It scored me with long blades separated by shadows. I’d been dreaming, a dream that began with a woman wearing a long, close-fitting black dress and high heels who push-started a bus filled open-collar businessmen setting out on an adventure. Our bus crash-landed on a desert planet. A few of us, including the woman in black, encountered a few sling-shot shaped aliens. We started shooting at them just because they were there and they were alien. The five of us ran across the sand towards our base camp. Two aliens flew behind us, trying to kill us with their lemon-ice laser beams. I turned to look back at them, but the sun was so bright that I couldn’t see anything except a solid, incorporeal white wall. The aliens killed some of us. The woman in black was one of them. At base camp, we tried to discover who they were and how we could protect ourselves. The commander fed some information into his miniature computer, asking the wrong questions as any one observing the plot from the outside could see. We worried that the aliens would slip in among us. One did, taking the form of the woman in black. Smiling seductively she winked at us and gestured to the director’s tent. We all rushed in. The walls of the tent were only two feet high and there was no roof. We sifted through the pile of esoteric books on the floor so we could find the director’s copy of Joseph Campbell and understand how the woman fit in to the developing story.
Posted on July 6, 2002 in Zoos
“I wouldn’t screw you if you were the last rhino on earth!”
Posted on July 6, 2002 in Imagery Travel Zoos
Moving down the serpentine road past various species of gazelle that all look like Thompson’s to me but are identified as distinct species by the informational signs.
Posted on July 6, 2002 in Photography Writing
A critic in a writing course I took last fall told me that she thought my writing sounded like I looked at the world like a camera.
Posted on July 6, 2002 in Reflections
When you leave a place or situation, take count of your friends.