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Month: June 2002

“It’s the war of Northern Aggression”

Posted on June 24, 2002 in Fact-Dropping Falsehoods Rage & Annoyance

To be a Southerner does not require adherence to the neo-confederate’s politically correct litmus test.

We had a good fight

Posted on June 23, 2002 in IRC/Chat

One chatter suggested that we ban “whiners”.


Posted on June 23, 2002 in Blogging

Damnation! Damn the Internet! I put my heart and soul into this journal entry and Explorer crashes! Let me attempt to reconstruct:

“The desire for perfection is a misunderstanding of the aims of art.” — John Ruskin

“Only what is bad is perfect — in it’s own bad way.” — John Ruskin.

“The only perfect people I know are perfect assholes.” — Joel GAzis-SAx

Oh if I could find a way to give some of the writers I know Ruskin’s religion! It is true that sometimes when you write you have to pare away a lot of shrubbery so that the truth is like an apple standing in the center of a white tablecloth. But some people, it seems to me, lay down the tablecloth and never get to setting it for fear of staining the muslin!

I’m still looking for authors to feature on this site. The people I have sought out so far are those who haven’t given themselves a voice yet, either online or in the broader media. They’ve hung out in chat rooms mostly and I’ve listened to their stories and thought They should write about this. The enemy each faces is what writing teachers call “the inner critic” or what I term the premature editor, the fellow who runs his needles through my frontal lobes so that I won’t be tempted to be creative. I’m the founder and only active member of a group of nonwriting Orange County, California, writers who share a mailing list. There are others, including a very good writing teacher through whose classes we all met (and she pitches in), but mostly it has been silence. The promise of getting together for critiques hasn’t been realized.

So I’ve looked elsewhere, to the people who I have met on the net. There’s probably more to build on with these faceless character sets spilling out in chatrooms than in all the real faces I have met in classrooms. I know these people, mind to mind. I figure if I can’t get writers to write, maybe I can get some nonwriters to write and maybe they will have interesting things to say.

There’s a parallel to this in #news_garden that meaghan just pointed out to me. “I think that all of us have a handicap of some sort,” she says to me, “….some are just more visible than others.” Skip a line. “And none of us are perfect.” Perhaps we do live in a world without even perfect assholes. From my own experience dealing with asthma, major depression, gout, and diabetes, I can say with authority that a handicap is a very personal thing. No one can see the pain you are feeling. They might witness the swelling, the spurting of blood, or the rapid fire, constantly shifting chain of thought you sputter out in moments of maniacal lucidity, but they can’t know if you are numb, ticklish, or screaming the screams of the tormented in hell. They have to take your word for it. They have to trust you. And when they don’t, you have to trust yourself. Write.

“To believe that your impressions hold true for others is to be released from the cramp and confinement of personality.” — Virginia Woolf


They Who Serve

Posted on June 23, 2002 in Cafes

It never seemed to me particularly wise to push oneself to a point near death and then neglecting one’s obligations to others.


They’re talking sexual scandal in

Posted on June 23, 2002 in IRC/Chat

How ever will they defeat the Taliban if they can’t discipline their own families!”


Emperor Norton?

Posted on June 22, 2002 in Courage & Activism Nortoniana

People just began writing to me: “Dear Emperor Norton”.


Self-Important Meatheads

Posted on June 22, 2002 in Clueless Oafs IRC/Chat

As I write this, I am also watching the activity at #news_garden at Dalnet.com. Usual silliness there. But it can be refreshing after an evening debating people who take themselves way too seriously in groups like #philosophy and #politics. Last night I spent a long time explaining my view of history to a thickhead in the former group. The guy wanted to attribute everything in modern civilization to the revolution in health that has occurred in the last 200 years. When I pointed out that other things contributed as well, he argued with me as if I was saying that improved health had played no role at all! An all too typical exchange on IRC. Sometimes I, too, get myself caught up in my own words and don’t really read the other guy, but in this case, I was all too right about being misrepresented.


Fear of Blog

Posted on June 22, 2002 in Misc

I’m asking around, trying to get people to contribute logs for this. I’ve been toying with the idea of setting up a daily diary site with contributions from friends for some time now. Today I got off my arse to do it. “What do you want me to write?” is the most common question. “What you feel like” is my reply. “What’s the theme?” “Slice of life.”

Some people accepted, some are thinking about it. Some, of course, are concerned about copyright. Very understandable. I give it to them. I’m going for a variety of approaches. A few people will doubtless be wild. Others will be afraid to share things, but get around to it. We’ll see. I hope this becomes a springboard for interesting ideas and contributions.

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