Home - 2002 - August (Page 7)

Month: August 2002


Posted on August 6, 2002 in Quizzes

The things I find to do in the post midnight hours….

I am 69% Tortured Artist

Art is significant in my life, people are scum but I have the capicity to deal with it. Give it a few more years and I will either forget about art or hate the world.

Take the Tortured Artist Test at fuali.com

Does this explain why the tiger at the LA Zoo walked right up to the window and mewed at me?

I'm a Tiger!

Somewhat of a loner, you prefer to remain hidden
in the background, quietly observing others. Still, this doesn’t mean
you aren’t a force to be reckoned with – heaven help
anyone who rubs you the wrong way!

I confess: I love their curly fries.

Find your inner fast food! by Emily

Hiroshima Day

Posted on August 5, 2002 in Peace

Well, with the way most of us have been conditioned to think about “the necessity” of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised.

Events I am Glad I Missed

Posted on August 5, 2002 in Memory Whimsies

It’s time for a little gratitude to balance out the woe I’ve been filling this blog with. Here is my personal list of places I could have been and things I could have done that I, thankfully, missed:

  • Being in the World Trade Center the morning of September 11, 2001.
  • Being at the Altamont Concert in 1969.
  • Being a child prostitute
  • Contracting AIDS (knock on wood for this one)
  • Working as a drug smuggler
  • Being in Vietnam
  • Becoming addicted to cigarettes, alcohol, heroin, cocaine, etc.
  • Participating in the race riots at my junior high school during the seventies
  • Trying LSD or any other hallucinogen
  • Serving in the military (I’ve gone to war zones, but not carrying a gun)
  • Shaking RFK’s hand as Sirhan Sirhan shot him
  • Talking to MLK as James Earl Ray shot him
  • Sarajevo in 1991-1995
  • Going to prison (could still happen if Ashcroft gets his way)
  • Being an Amnesty International Prisoner of Conscience (ditto comment from above)
  • Being condemned to death
  • Marrying my first fiancee
  • Attempting suicide
  • Joining the priesthood
  • Converting to Scientology
  • Joining the People’s Temple and moving to Jonestown
  • Being murdered or mugged. (fingers crossed)
  • Being aboard the Challenger
  • Being in Watts during the 1964 or 1992 riots

Watch for things I am glad I witnessed. Coming soon.



Posted on August 5, 2002 in Misc

Following the example of chari, I’ve added a blogtree to this site. Here is my pedigree:

Pedigree of PAX NORTONA


Another unpopular position

Posted on August 5, 2002 in Peace

My beef with both the Israelies and the Palestinians is that they are waging unjust war against each other. Who started it? I say that question is bullshit….


The Humbling of Arrogance

Posted on August 4, 2002 in Encounters Spirituality and Being

People who aren’t monks tend to see them as extremely unselfish and humble. A monk doesn’t share their opinion of him. He suspects that he is both selfish and arrogant.


America the Gangster Land

Posted on August 4, 2002 in Peace

…yesterday’s signing of the “Hague Invasion Act” marks a low point in American history.


The Last Forking Quiz!

Posted on August 2, 2002 in Quizzes

Which Star-Crossed Marvel Lover Are You?

OD! OD! Go take a walk Joel!


A Point of Etiquette

Posted on August 2, 2002 in Ettiquette

What do you say to someone who apologizes for the way a friend acted?


My favorite quiz

Posted on August 2, 2002 in Myths & Mysticism Quizzes

I call myself an agnostic, but the Belief-O-Matic quiz says that I fit in better as a Theravada Buddhist, a Unitarian, or a Liberal Quaker. Which is fine by me because all three religions put the emphasis on being a good person over shaking the beads, quoting the text, or calling other people unbelievers.

I am a member of Palo Alto Friends Meeting, but I haven’t transferred my membership south to Orange County Friends yet because of my ambivalence about God and organized religion. I think the question that made me more a Buddhist than a Quaker had to do with my attitudes about reincarnation. When faced with the question of what happens to us after we die, I applied the laws of physics, remembered energy is never destroyed but always reused, and answered appropriately. I don’t know that I will come back in one piece. Chances are there will be little bits of my soul scattered about the landscape, some of it in human beings or animals, some in flowers, and some in the dirt. This personal idea of reincarnation puts a whole new spin on electricity: sometimes I look up at a neon sign and think “that could be Dad!”

I’d love to hear about you scored. Go to Belief-Net, take the Belief-O-Matic quiz and then use the comments link at the end of this article to tell me how you turn out.


They’re doing better

Posted on August 2, 2002 in Quizzes

What Psych-Ward do you belong to?


They don’t have a clue

Posted on August 2, 2002 in Quizzes

I am Saturday's Child
What day are you?

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