Home - 2009 - April

Month: April 2009

Return to the Motorway

Posted on April 24, 2009 in Biomes Dogs Hikes and Trails

Wednesday, after five years of hesitation, I made up my mind to hike the Silverado Motorway.

It was Terribly Funny

Posted on April 24, 2009 in Bipolar Disorder Psych Wards Recent

“Has anyone ever told you that you were bipolar?” I stopped, muttered the word, and then told him “No.”

Commercial for Bipolar Blogs

Posted on April 21, 2009 in Bipolar Disorder Site News

Bipolar Blogs on 12seconds.tv


Elfin forest

Posted on April 20, 2009 in Biomes Hiking Travels - So Cal

Elfin forest, originally uploaded by EmperorNorton47.

The coastal sage scrub community around the boardwalk seemed shorter than the forest that the signs promised. I had heard the [[chaparral]] called an elfin forest, which indeed it is, but I was unprepared for the Tolkienesque sight that awaited me among the marshes of southeast [[Morro Bay]].

Capturing the twisted chaos of trunks, branches and leaf litter was not easy and I don’t think I succeeded. These puzzles made out of oak need to be entered and loitered beneath.

Be sure to check out the rest of my photostream, especially this one.


“Conservative” Just Doesn’t Tell It Anymore

Posted on April 19, 2009 in Folly Watch Liberals & Progressives Parties Secularism Terminology

The current political climate, especially on the Right, necessitates a restructuring of our descriptive language.


Marine Layer

Posted on April 17, 2009 in Pulmonary Vacation Fall 2003 Weather

Days like this give me headaches. The temperature is up — into the eighties after being in the sixties for many weeks. The clouds have fled east.


What do you do all night when you are in mania?

Posted on April 16, 2009 in Mania Skribit

square571I waste time. But not in the same way that I usually do it. I’m always up nights, twittering, reading, working on recent photos. My day ends somewhere between 3 and 4, at which point I go to bed, which alerts the cats to begin their trills of demand for food from my softhearted wife. I use a cocktail of Xanax, Benadryl, Doxepin, melatonin, and my nighttime anti-psychotics and mood-stabilizers to stall my brain into torpor. I sleep well and I sleep deep until about noon or one o’clock in the afternoon, an unconventional hour but one that I can manage thanks to my unemployment and insistence on afternoon appointments.

If I am manic, I forget to take the meds until a later hour and do not feel their slowing until after Lynn has gone to work at nine. I lay in bed, staring at the pockets inside the sheets, groping for rest. Mania purposes me to a different set of activities, First, reading is impossible. My eyes fly over the words, ignoring the middles of sentences and barely noticing the presence of paragraphs. I have missed whole scenes and whole characters when I am in this state. For this reason, as my condition advanced in the late twentieth century, I read less and less. Volumes I wanted to peruse stood on my shelf for years, unopened and stinking of dust. There was no accomplishment during this time except as resulted from my strange habit of digesting dictionaries.

Forget, too, the learning of languages and despair for the reworking of photos because I don’t have the interest required to take them in the first place. I loiter in chat rooms until talk of politics and the inspid, incessant chatter of bored minds rile me to perpetual wrath.

So, having no television, I turn to computer games, which I play on a laptop at the foot of our bed, occasionally waking my wife with my anger and despair at ever winning. Lynn gets a nervous look on her face whenever I turn my attentions to the entertainments aisle at Fry’s Electronics. Subliminally I know what it means: the restless, endlessly disturbed nights mosh in her head. My bouncing on the mattress and my screams at an imaginary routine that I call “the cheat circuit” ((The cheat circuit works in various ways. It ignores keyboard commands. It crashes when you are about to deliver the death blow to the computer-mounted forces. The timing of these events seems just too calculated for my accelerated mind to accept as mere chance.)) grieve her. She doesn’t like this for good reason. But I ignore her and buy the sugar-acid pleasure anyways.

Games do little for my ability to sleep. They lead to the long nights and short sleeps that I have previously described. Wars of conquest and the building of fabled towns interrupt my dreams and make for a shallow sleep. In a few short hours, I burst into consciousness and resume my fruitless, solitary liveliness.

This blogging was inspired by a question asked on Skribit. To take part, click on the suggestions tab on the right or scroll down to the Skribit window in the right hand column. You can also vote for your favorite suggestion.


Sea Lions — Morro Bay

Posted on April 13, 2009 in Creatures Photos Travels - So Cal

Sea Lion, originally uploaded by EmperorNorton47.

The unmistakable barking drew us ahead. I put madness to my walk, tossing my head to my left as Lynn did her best to drag and be dragged by Drake. Six of them loitered on a raft behind a sea food takeout window. Number Six dove into the water while the rest shuttered their eyes tightly against my flash.

Drake, whose fur rose at the scent of a German Shepherd, took little notice of these lugubrious pinnepeds anchored less than ten feet below his feet. “Barnyard animals,” he might have scoffed. “Mere livestock. Can we go now?” He puttered and pulled at his leash while I angled for a visual understanding of how this pack sprawled on its unsteady dock.


The memory machine

Posted on April 11, 2009 in Memory Writing Exercises

I have found the workings of my brain to be most troublesome and mysterious.


Depression-colored glasses

Posted on April 11, 2009 in Depression Reflections Writing Exercises

I barely notice that the colors have dimmed. Perhaps my eyes have half-shut –making things gloomy through my eyebrows.


Talking mountain

Posted on April 8, 2009 in Hiking Photos

Talking mountain, originally uploaded by EmperorNorton47.

The phone rang but I was in the middle of the chaparral. A friend needed me. Through the communications facility at the top of this distant mountain she had found me. As I huffed and puffed up the unnamed dirt road, we threshed out her problems. The olive wool and spidery orange dodder trembled very slightly at my end of the conversation The brush kept her secrets as I spoke them.

On my way back, I slipped on loose rocks, bruising my elbow. If I had needed I could have used my phone to call for help. The only trouble was I walked the road with no name. How would I help them to find me?


Skribit — Suggest a Topic

Posted on April 6, 2009 in Site News

square569Please observe the right margin. Do you see the brown tab that says SUGGESTIONS? Go ahead and click on it. This is where you can suggest topics for me to write about.

Let your eye also descend the right column. Go past the Archives and the Categories. See it? Skribit Suggestions and then a box. There is another place where you can enter a topic and vote on the ones others have suggested.

I’m using this so that I can provide you with subject matter that might be of interest to you by answering your questions or invoking imagery you may find pleasing.

I like my topic suggestion poetic and brief. Here are some examples:

  • Something you saw while driving
  • Fleeing
  • What you dream of when you are sick
  • Badlands

If you don’t get the picture, go ahead and suggest something anyways. I’ll do my best, but topics like those above will elicit the most interesting results.


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