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Month: June 2011


Posted on June 12, 2011 in Dreams

square741I am in a large classroom with several other people. We’re holding the door shut against I don’t know what. (Vampires, ghosts, evil spirits?) When they get inside, they find the person that looks like them and paint them in bright poster colors. (Do they die?) I look outside into the darkness. Seems that our room is mounted to a railroad car. Is it safe? A fluorescent deer stands on the platform. No, that means it is not. A horse tries to get inside, but some of my companions hold the door shut as the train begins to move. At first the town is dark — the things have taken over — but as we move to the edge of town, the houses are decorated for Christmas with increasing garishness.

Insert a Trite Metaphor for a Corral No. 101

Posted on June 12, 2011 in Roundup

We can’t expect our greatest foe — the earth’s atmosphere to make a bold move like Gorbachev and shame us into granting it concessions.

The Soul as Hamburger Meat

Posted on June 11, 2011 in Depression Loneliness

square739Imagine a soft, gray rock domed and striated like a hamburger bun. No life here, you think, then you notice the blue gray beady eyes blink. It opens its maw and takes you in, chewing toothlessly on your chest. Paralysis prevents you from crying. Oh save my soul, oh save my soul, oh save my soul, you murmur but the dire suspicion that you don’t have one overwhelms you.

A few days ago, I had a conversation with my therapist. It amounted to this: I believe with good evidence that I am a good person. Many years ago, when the mania swamped my common sense, I rushed into impulse buying and sudden, unthinking action. I’m calm now, doing my best to be kind. Irritability electrocutes this kindness at times, but mostly I remember my etiquette. But I don’t think I am likable and I find the world perverse on this score.

Take for example the case of one person I know. We’re sitting next to a young man with cerebral palsy. A young girl sees him and asks us what’s wrong with them. My companion says “Aren’t you glad that you aren’t like that?”

This person is loved by all except me. This person enjoys the world. Friends call to see how this person is doing all the time. Loneliness is not their curse.

I have only Lynn who loves me. And while I love the world, I am mostly alone in it for the many hours of the day.

My therapist says that the experience of this other person should give me heart. If this mean human being can find friends, so can I. But I retorted “If the world is filled with such people, how can I trust anyone?”

I do my best to be a good listener. But I have found that the blessing for this are many people who do not know how to listen in return. The legions come and give me advice. I cover my head with my hands and wish to cry. The other good people of the world have no time for me. I know it is not because I am bad. It is because I am not likable, not even hamburger meat to them.


This Ohio Congressman is Dead

Posted on June 9, 2011 in Accountability Folly Watch Gender Micro-blogging

This particular story blazed across Twitter like a tangible blessing direct from the hand of God


It Moved Like a Cat

Posted on June 8, 2011 in Creatures Neighborhood

There’s something out there,” he said. “A cat.” He held out his arms to show how big it was. “I didn’t see what it was, but it was this big and it moved like a cat.”



Posted on June 7, 2011 in Dreams

square736I’m distracted from talking to my mother while playing a video game. I open the front door and find a fit-figured guy wearing a small box over his head. “Chato?” ((Not the Chato I know in real life. It’s funny how I don’t see these things while I am dreaming the dream.)) I ask. Something is wrong here. He’s come all the way around the block to see me. An episode has come over him and he needs help. “We’ve got to do something,” I say to him. “There’s a meeting that is both a DBSA ((Depression Bipolar Support Alliance)) group and a Toastmasters’ Club.” He agrees to go. The club is holding a speech contest. We decide to get dinner first — some egg rolls at a Chinese takeout. As we are going to get them, an Argentinian grabs me by one of my belt loops and begins telling me how I should order my food. I squirm away from him. When I get the food, I realize that I have to tell the people at the Toastmasters’ club that they will have to make a choice: they aren’t doing much to help people with bipolar disorder, just using the affiliation to attract members. I think I can tell them nicely that this has to stop.


Insert a Trite Metaphor for a Corral No. 100

Posted on June 5, 2011 in Roundup

“My father, who hated guns & had never been to any wars, was the bravest man who ever lived.” ~ Harper Lee

square735Weinergate. Weinergate is the latest waste of time by a media that should be chasing down corruption instead of sex scandals. ((My friend Milt Shook on Twitter tweeted “Was just told “we have to get answers” re Weiner prank. Really? Or WHAT will happen? The republic will crumble? Ppl need to get a grip….GOPers are trying to kill Medicare, taking food away from poor, refusing to help tornado victims. Pardon if I don’t care abt a dickpic.)) Someone told me that we can’t assume that [[Anthony Weiner]] ~didn’t~ send that impressive photo to that woman because we have only his word that he was hacked. ((Guilty unless proven innocent, anyone?)) I promptly responded that we only have ~his~ word that he is not a cannibal. I haven’t seen firm proof that Weiner wasn’t hacked — it is too neat that many of his accounts turned up with the same crap at the same time and that the guy who “outed” him turned up on Twitter on April 11 and has hit on Weiner incessantly ever since. (See the Smoking Gun article below for other strange details.) I made the crack that the Tea Party followers were after Weiner because his wife looked better than theirs. “Oh, that’s just so deep” said one reactionary tweeter who had, as her avatar, an unflattering photo of [[Michelle Obama]]. No, of course they don’t judge on appearances.

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