Home - Writing - Book of Days - Chips con queso

Chips con queso

Posted on June 1, 2003 in Book of Days Eating

Note: This is part of a series based on exercises from A Writer’s Book of Days. It’s something of a rebellion against the Friday Five and similar tupperware content memes.

Today’s topic: Write about something to hold on to.

I can’t let go of eating chips and queso. The golden cheese spiced with honey bits of red and green jalapeņos starts me on the bloating slide of ground and munched corn towards gluttony. I’m no Mexican in this: I am distinctly Californian. Tortilla chips are a heritage handed down by hippie Yankees who married Californios in the pre-Gold Rush days when the blackened fire fruit hung dried from rough hewn rafters. I eat to preserve custom and I eat to preserve identity: nowhere else in the US do you find these comestibles swallowed plain, not swilled down with ample quantities of anemic ale. I’m a Puritan and a Catholic: I restrain my drinking and indulge my mandibular swinging. I, the golden Californian, eat golden food.

Want to participate? First either get yourself a copy of A Writer’s Book of Days by Judy Reeves or read these guidelines. Then either check in to see what the prompt for the day is or read along in the book.

Tomorrow’ topic/prompt: Write about a silence.

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