Posted on July 22, 2003 in Crosstalk Myths & Mysticism Secularism
Michael Doss who writes Insignifica reported the sighting of this bumper sticker, in Orange County, California of all places:
God bless all countries
no exceptions
Just after 9-11, my neighborhood was innundated with flags and steel signs printed out by the local community “grab the biggest congregation you can by advertising, advertising, advertising” church. “God Bless America” they proclaimed as if our dead suddenly raised us over all the other countries with dead. They could not see the blood under our streets, that flowed when we pumped gas into our Hummers, that was woven into the fabric of our cheap, Southeast Asian made clothes.
I’ve sometimes anguished over how we can get the message through to my neighbors and friends that this good life we’re living in Orange County costs lives. What if we took every person who died from starvation, who died from lack of medicines because they were too expensive, who died of shrapnel wounds or bullet holes made by American made arms — what if we took those bodies and dumped one to a street corner? Attached a sign to it that said “Product of US Foreign Policy and Economics”?
“Get rid of that trash!” would come the call from many neighborhoods. I doubt that the dead of our invention would get a decent burial, probably about the same they are getting now in our Pox Americana New World Order and Moral Anarchy.