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Locker Room Towels

Posted on July 25, 2003 in Adolescence

The locker room humor at Techfluid these past two days (as I said there, a bunch of dykes talking about a woman can be every bit as bad as a bunch of guys!) brought to memory the scent of locker room towels: the sweat of a thousand reused socks concentrated in a single off white eighteen inches by three foot piece of stiffish corduroy cloth. I imagined that they burned them, but only after a period of service that lasted years. The towels that I used to blot the water and the heat off my back probably saw service during the sixties and ended their lifespans in the early eighties.

Imponderable: were the towels used by the girls the same as those used by the boys? Did they keep them separate in the fear that the pleasure of some boy might survive the hot wash cycle and impregnate one of the lasses?

I saw blood on some of the towels. Nothing — even the unsightly — prevented the school from recycling them as long as they held their shape.

Caution: Be wary of chari. She’s a snapper.

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