Posted on July 29, 2003 in Weather
Raindrops as large as lakes spattered the window of my truck as I drove home from the Writing Critique group last night. When I got home, the khaki scent apprised my nostrils of the approach of the body of the storm. I went inside and held the cats close.
After I went to bed at about 3 am, the thunderstorm boomed for two or three minutes. The power went out and came back on again. For the rest of the day, we kept finding stalled appliances: the bedroom fan needed to be turned on again; our local network wanted a reboot; the bread in the bread machine swelled to fill the unit (it all collapsed back when I restarted the machine — the bread that resulted had a heavy but foamy texture); and it was not until late afternoon that it dawned on me that the reason why the office and the living room were so hot was because the ceiling fans had idled all day.
We went out for dinner, a haircut, and a prescription. There was a long line at the barber’s, so we waited outside. The atmosphere threw bluish-orange boomerangs at the Santa Ana Mountains. They dissipated slowly, to be followed by more such cumuli, of darker shades as Magic Hour ended and the sun took a dive behind the Laguna Hills.