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Sign of the Cross

Posted on September 28, 2003 in Book of Days College OCD

Note: This is part of a series based on exercises from A Writer’s Book of Days. It’s something of a rebellion against the Friday Five and similar tupperware content memes.

Today’s topic: Write about a time you did something out of superstition.

I never managed to quite shake the Catholic out of myself. Not that it is such a bad thing. Even in my path towards a different consciousness about the nature of the world, I have looked back upon my Catholic upbringing and found things which have enriched me. I still search my conscience as a central feature of my life. I refuse to see myself as perfect, but I feel that perfection is a reasonable goal to strive towards even if I can never reach it. I do not call myself a “recovered Catholic”. “Pilgrim” probably describes me better.

There have been times when I have fallen back on some of the more superstitious elements of Catholicism as I have gone about my way in the world. For example, I pray to St. Anthony when a precious object seems unretrievably lost. I don’t see this as resulting in a miracle, but as a momentary settling of the mind in the midst of a blind panic.

One time, when I was out walking along a shoreline with a girlfriend, I found myself facing a steep drop that had to be passed along a trail. I am not a little afraid of even the most modest of heights when there is no floor such as in an airplane to carry me from one level to the next. Quite unconsciously, I made the sign of the cross before I leaped. The girlfriend noticed it and remarked. I shrugged. There were some things which you could never quite shake.

Want to participate? First either get yourself a copy of A Writer’s Book of Days by Judy Reeves or read these guidelines. Then either check in to see what the prompt for the day is or read along in the book.

Tomorrow’ topic/prompt: The night won’t save anyone.

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