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Is Ahnold a Shoo-In?

Posted on September 30, 2003 in Gray Davis Recall

Shock and Awe says that the poll was doctored and the results inaccurately reported by CNN:

They asked voters how likely they were to vote, and then weighted the results appropriately. It turns out that in this race, Republicans say they are far more likely to “absolutely vote” than Democrats, so Republican votes get weighted more highly. (By the way, if you’re ever polled by Gallup, say you will absolutely vote, so your vote can get ranked higher.) 65% of people who approve of Gray Davis are “extremely likely to vote”, while 79% of people who disapprove are “extremely likely to vote.”

Once they apply this weighting for “likely to vote”, the numbers shift a lot, favoring (of course) Republicans in the poll. That is how you go from 55% of “registered voters” to 63% of “likely voters.”

Think voting for Ahnold makes you open-minded? Think again. If you vote for Arnold, you are voting for a sexist pig:

“I hate pants. This is something I have inherited from my father. He despised pants, and my mother was never allowed to wear them at home. We’re talking about a different time period now, when the man was much more the ruler of the house. But I still feel that way, and neither my mother nor Maria is allowed to go out with me in pants.” — Arnold Schwarzenegger

What every man wants: a wife whose mind he can control. Or so think Ahnold.

In this household, Lynn makes up her own mind whether she wears pants or not.

Face it, Arnold’s a sexist pig. He’s been exploiting the race hatred card on Latino immigration. If you vote for him, you give him license to be these things. It means that you are an accessory to his boorishness, his arrogance, and his stupidity.

Do you really want to be the kind of person who supports that?

Thanks to Body and Soul for spotting this one in August. Recently she said about the Los Angeles Times’s coverage of a rally of women which righteously ridiculed Schwartzenegger’s views on what a marriage and a wife are all about:

….he didn’t say he preferred that his wife not wear pants, he said he didn’t allow it — and in the process managed to make the women objecting to what he said sound petty and ridiculous. What kind of idiot would object, after all, if Arnold simply said he liked dresses better than pants? Who would care? The Times owes Roz Wyman and Jackie Goldberg a huge apology, and it owes readers the real quote.

The San Francisco Chronicle documented this and many other statements that should shock any compassionate voter out of supporting Ahnold.

How about this infomercial from the Gray Davis campaign:

Why can’t Arnold Schwarzenegger get his facts straight?” the narrator asks. “He has no experience, won’t answer press questions, won’t debate unless he has the questions in advance and didn’t even bother to vote in 13 of the last 21 elections.”

Why indeed? I am for giving the chance to Cruz Bustamonte. Or to Gray Davis, who has been showered with shrapnel from the Bush White House and the Cheney energy cartel for the last five years. If you want a change in California, go to the top. Go to Washington D.C. and throw the pretender out.

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