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What are We Going to DO about Illegal Citizens?

Posted on September 30, 2003 in Immigration Satire War

Three million unprosecuted felons live among us. These are the ones we know about, that have been identified, and located. Millions more lurk, their whereabouts unknown by the Justice Department. Of the three million we do know about, only thirteen have been prosecuted!

The three million use social services. They are issued drivers licenses. They attend universities and receive resident tuition. They take away jobs from those who have not broken the law.

And yet there are no cries to “enforce the laws that we have” for these as there are with those who enter this country for the reason that they want a better life.

These three million plus have wantonly refused to register for the draft. It’s a crime, a felony and they are taking jobs away from people who have done their duty, who have gone down to the post office and filled out the forms so that if there is need for their warm little bodies in some far off oil war, they can be called to serve as cannon fodder and slaughtering machines.

Wait a minute, there, Joel. The crimes that these guys have committed are –“

Nonviolent? So is the crime of crawling through a sewer pipe into San Diego or swimming across the Rio Grande. Opponents of immigration out of Mexico and Central America say that we must enforce the laws or else they are meaningless. It doesn’t matter what undocumented alien residents do for our economy, what taxes they pay, how clean they keep our gardens and our homes, how much of our food that they fry, what crops they pick for our tables. They must go. The law is the law is what their critics say — at least in election years.

And so, Javert, it is time to take a hard look at your son, your nephew, your grandson, the nice boy next door. Has he done his duty? Can he show you his papers? Are you truly willing to enforce all the laws on the books and see concentration camps built to house all these miscreants?

Or will you allow yourself to have a conscience and see that not all laws are moral or just? Will you see the human being, not only in the All American draft resister but also the Latino who comes here to work for you?

If those who live here without INS approval are “illegal aliens”, then those who do not register for the draft are “illegal citizens”. Both are a matter of not having the papers.

For the record, I am for an open border with Mexico (similar to Europe when you must have documents to cross and checks are made to be sure that you are not a criminal) and a replacement of draft registration with two to three years of national service in whatever capacity suits the aptitudes, capabilities, and consciences of the participants.

No human being is illegal except in an authoritarian state.

My thanks to Pen for supplying the grist for this work of satire and conscience.

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