Posted on October 2, 2003 in Gray Davis Recall
“I admired Hitler, for instance, because he came from being a little man with almost no formal education up to power. And I admire him for being such a good public speaker and for what he did with it.” — Arnold Schwarzenegger
The quote above was taken from an interview that Ahnold did for the film Pumping Iron. Schwarzenegger has bought all the outtakes from this film and buried them good and deep.
Remember what I said about how insignificant men can become dangerous despots? Arnold’s own words and career suggest that he has been building for just such a move all his life.
He has something to hide.
Ahnold says it t’aint so, but remember that the first response of his campaign to the allegations of abuse was to deny them. Now he’s just saying that though he is “deeply sorry” he was being “playful”. With the evidence canned and only a few transcripts floating about, you can bet he will hardline it to the bitter end.
With Arnold, the name of the game is power. A governorship, on the other hand, is about serving the People.