Home - Appeals and Goodwill - Bush: MoveOn Back to Crawford

Bush: MoveOn Back to Crawford

Posted on October 25, 2003 in Appeals and Goodwill

We endorse this campaign:

For three years, President Bush has worked to build an image for himself
that resonates with the American people. He’s bullied the media,
distorted the facts, and cowed his political opponents. Through it all,
we’ve worked together to expose the gap between Bush’s carefully
constructed image and his failed policies. That image is now falling
apart under the weight of a mismanaged economy, daily losses in Iraq, and
the accumulated evidence of the President’s distortions.

Thanks in part to MoveOn members’ hard work, the tide is turning. This
represents an enormous strategic opportunity: Americans are beginning to
realize that President Bush misleads. The President will fight this
unveiling with tens of millions of advertising dollars, especially in the
few “battleground” states that will determine the 2004 election. But we
can beat him to the punch. That’s why today we’re launching our biggest
— and perhaps most important — campaign yet. We need you to be a part
of it.

Over the next months, we’re going to raise an unprecedented $10 million
for the production and placement of ads that take the truth about the Bush
administration directly to the American people in key battleground

To kick it off, some MoveOn donors have contributed a matching pool of
$300,000. Every dollar that you donate today will be matched one-for-one
— it’s great bang for your buck. The sooner this money starts coming in,
the sooner we can get those ads running — if we raise $300,000 today, we
can start running the ads in less than two weeks. Please help however you
can — be it $25 or $2500.

You can give right now by credit card on our secure website.

If you prefer to send us a check, please just fill out this form.

This project is being run by MoveOn.org Voter Fund, which is a non-federal
political organization under section 527 of the Internal Revenue Code.
Unlike federal candidates’ campaigns, the MoveOn.org Voter Fund can accept
unlimited contributions from individuals who are U.S. citizens or legal
permanent residents. The Fund will not accept contributions from
corporations or labor organizations.

The ad campaign will focus on three main themes — themes which pollsters
have found strongly resonate and which speak the truth:

  • PRESIDENT BUSH’S ACTIONS CAN’T BE TRUSTED. He tells us he will leave
    no child behind, but he cuts funding for education. He launches a
    “healthy forests” initiative that is actually a smokescreen for more

    reduces benefits to pay for tax breaks for the rich. He favors drug
    companies over seniors who need cheaper medications.

    NATION’S PROBLEMS. He’s mismanaged the war in Iraq. He failed to plan
    adequately for the post-war period. Deficits are out of control. Now,
    he’s got no solution to the jobs problem.

Although some top outlets are beginning to question the President’s
credibility, we can’t count on the media to tell this story to the
American public. And many Democratic politicians are still pretty timid
about telling it like it is. With a big ad buy, we can go direct.

The Bush administration represents the ultimate special-interest
Presidency. Corporations and wealthy individuals will be donating
hundreds of millions to keep him in office. But the truth is on our side,
and the American people know it. By banding together and getting the
truth out the grassroots way, we can counteract the influence of big money
on politics. If we pull this off, we won’t just change the shape of this
election — we may well change the way politics works.

Please help today.

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