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Two New Terms for the “Debate”

Posted on January 2, 2004 in Campaign 2004 IRC/Chat Words

IRC Chat has been a place where people have been coining terminology to account for new political conditions. Here are two which bloggers might find especially useful:

  • Libertine [Republican]: Refers to supporters of George W. Bush. They cannot be called “conservative” because they have driven the country into massive debt. Some drive Humvees, which are notorious gas-eaters. Many are for the squandering of natural resources by clear-cutting. Ahnold likes to grope women. Repeat: they are obviously not conserving or acting in a dignified, restrained manner. Carousing, wasting, and raping are their favorite pastimes.
  • Vichy Democrats: Refers to Democrats like Christopher Lieberman, John Kerry, John Edwards, Richard Gephardt, etc. who believe that the surest way to beat Bush is to act almost exactly like him. They support his wars and the Patriot Act, to name two outstanding examples that are repugnant to the rank and file Democrats. They hate Howard Dean and laugh at Denis Kucinich.

I take credit for coining the first phrase.

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