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What has Kerry Done?

Posted on February 5, 2004 in Campaign 2004 Liberty

UPDATE: I picked this up via Old Fashioned Patriot.

square029.gif The Vichy Democrats are screaming at me that I have to support the party’s candidate no matter what because otherwise we’ll get Bush again. Why is no one talking about the Republicrat Congress which had been passing the laws that we find so onerous? Why do I have to accept another Washington insider who is responsible for the mess we are in as the solution?

Quintessential Vichy Democrat Dick Gephardt is set to endorse the Lurch of the inbred Washington Addams Family, John Kerry before blue collar Democrats in Detroit. Just what is it that makes John Kerry so presidential? His wife? His accomplishments as a Senator? What has he done? From what I gather, Kerry

He gutlessly ducked out on these key civil rights votes:

I am supposed to think that this man stands for reform just because he is a Democrat?

Kerry is not acceptable. I follow the lead of my earlier endorsement, Carole Moseley Braun, and endorse Howard Dean.

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