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Hasn’t Edwards Heard….

Posted on February 19, 2004 in Campaign 2004

….that there are no weapons of mass destruction to be found in Iraq?

square152.gifHe may be George W. Bush in every way except his name and party, but as long as he doesn’t spell his name the same way and he pretends to be a Democrat, it’s just fine with the ABB attention-to-the-issues-deficit-disorder-crowd if John Edwards keeps our troops mired in Iraq and fighting the pointless war on terrorism. Anybody but Bush! goes the cry. Count me out if you’re going to pick your candidate like you pick your stocks or this spring’s fashions.

The California Primary comes up in two weeks. I am voting for Dean to show the Vichy Democrat frontrunners that they’re not talking my party line.

When will people who say that they hate the war in Iraq and the Patriot Act have the guts to say to people who are for it “You’re not getting my vote”? Or why can’t they just say “I think the war in Iraq is a great thing and so is the Patriot Act, so I am going to make sure that whoever we elect keeps us in Iraq and keeps the Patriot Act in force; I may not like Bush but I love his policies”?

If the Democratic Platform does not come out against these things, I’m voting Third Party. Bush will win, though his name may be Kerry or Edwards. It won’t be my fault: it will be the Wimp-O-Crats who worried more about “electability” than about the soldiers dying in Iraq or the curtailments of freedom here. I’m not supporting any “Good Germans”.

I hope that you will have the sense not to either.

Anybody but a Bush or a Bush Lite

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