Posted on May 2, 2004 in Poems
This is inspired by a long list of people I’ve known in life, a composite portrait if you will. The patterns are repetitious. I used to take the blame on myself for every incident. Now I do not do so any more.
I am getting tired of fragile women
the tears, the shouts
the fingers pointing at me
you stopped me from writing
you stopped me from being myself
you stopped me from licking the sky.
I’m tired of the interruptions
the small talk during serious issues
the serious issues during small talk
the threats
the demands
the insistances
especially the one that says
I can’t say what I really think
or stand up to their being unfair
or apologize when I have been a jerk.
I’ve seen them tolerate worse than me
stay with rapists and sluggers,
men who call them “bitch”,
who insist that they have a place and keep it.
They scream about their men
until they leave
and when they find they have nothing
to scream about, they go back to them.
I feel they would only like me
if I raped them, beat them, called them “bitch”,
but because I don’t, they go back to the men
who do
leaving me
who never hits or chains
I’m so tired of fragile women.
They act so much like fragile men.