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Wishy Washy Joel?

Posted on May 28, 2004 in Blogging Crosstalk

It’s politics Friday!

square123.gif Perhaps the hardest breakups online and off occur between friends where at least one of the parties believed in a no-criticism rule. I see this a lot. Sometimes in me, often in others.

I did have to laugh a friendly laugh when Kimber talked about finding herself in a “Joel Wishy Washy Zone”. Not that I think that being where I am on the abortion issue counts as wishy-washy: principled stands in the middle often get attacked by both sides as “sell-outs” to the other side. This isn’t just true of abortion: try telling both Israelis and Palestinians that they have to cool it, for example. Or Catholic and Protestant Northern Irishmen. Or, sometimes, Canadians and their neighbors to the south.

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