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When a Phony Calls Me a Phony….

Posted on July 5, 2004 in Crosstalk Liberty

I have been honored by the title of “phony” by a phony libertarian who supports George Bush’s efforts to suppress criticism of his administration!

When a phony calls you a phony, that means you are the genuine article. Thank you, Vince. I shall continue to stand for a free America where even the likes of you can criticize the President of the United States. I am sorry that you are so deadset against my right to speak out freely and to give money to organizations which attempt to balance the one-sided corporatist view which you propagandize as “fair and balanced”.

Take note: if you support George W. Bush’s takeover of the country, you are not libertarian. You are authoritarian and anti-liberty, a LIEbertarian. It doesn’t matter if you are capitalist or socialist. What matters is how firmly you support the Bill of Rights. Vince does not.

Enough of this Joel-obsessed clown. Time to move on with life and the cause of real freedom for all Americans, not just the wealthy.

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