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Independence Day for Some, Same Old Chains for Others

Posted on July 6, 2004 in Liberals & Progressives Liberty

square193.gif In my brief flit about the blogs, I saw plenty of liberals posting excerpts or the whole of the Declaration of Independence. And I saw plenty of neoconservatives and LIEbertarians attacking them as “unAmerican” for doing so.

The Wrongful Right keeps saying that they stand for liberty and the values of the Founding Fathers, but when they fail to salute and see that the principles that went into the Declaration of Independence inspire the reaction against George W. Bush, all I see is a loyalty to the foreign values of duplicity and oppression.

My hat comes off to all those who stood up for liberty by remembering Jefferson’s words.

None dare call the attacks on these true patriots Treason, until now. Because, spiritually, that is what it is.

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