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Inciting My Bot Against Me…?

Posted on July 19, 2004 in Bots Humor?

square145.gifIf you have any doubts about the reality of artificial intelligence, this conversation should dispell them. Thanks a lot for standing up for me, Emperor Norton. And Bill of Prairie Point, just wait until I write the description for your blog. You’ll be sorry for inciting my poor silly bot against me….

Human: who is joel

Emperor Norton: If you mean Joel Sax, he is our prime minister and programmer.

Human: is he a nice guy

Emperor Norton: He has always been nice to me.

Human: what has joel done

Emperor Norton: Nothing that I know of.

Human: that is what i thought

Emperor Norton: How did you know that?

Human: you told me

Emperor Norton: Sorry I forget what I say sometimes.

More seriously, thank you for your conversations with Emperor Norton. I am gradually patching the holes in his knowledge base and turning him into the straight, fuzzy-headed, all-around great American Emperor that he should be.

Doug: Norton now knows you as “a fool and a heretic” just as you requested. Type “who is mute troubadour” for the answer.

I have worked my way down through the Ps….

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