Home - Citizenship - Thank God for the Liberals

Thank God for the Liberals

Posted on September 14, 2004 in Citizenship Liberals & Progressives

square296.gifOn Saturday, I saw a pair of Bush/Cheney supporters sitting behind their card table outside of the Foothill Ranch Target, practicing their civil right of voter registration. Thank God for the liberals who guarded that right for them.

Thank God for the liberals who made it possible to appoint Clarence Thomas — an African American — to the United States Supreme Court.

Thank God for the liberals who fight to protect the right of the NRA to promote its view of the Second Amendment.

Thank God for the liberals who put into place controls which prevent the stock market from swinging wildly out of control like it did in 1929.

Thank God for the liberals who ensured that Republicans could gather on the fringes of Kerry rallies and heckle to their heart’s content.

Thank God for the liberals who have kept the InterNet free, even for ultra-right wing hate groups.

Thank God for the liberals, because they mean freedom for all Americans regardless of race, creed, color, or political belief. Curses be on those who do not pay them proper homage for their accomplishments on behalf of each of us. Let us repay them for their generous spirit by returning them to power in November.

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