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How Kerry Might Beat Bush

Posted on September 21, 2004 in Campaign 2004

square245.gifIf there is anything John Kerry should carp about, it is Bush’s cowardice in the political arena. Here is a man who has done fewer press conferences than any modern president in history — including Ronald Reagan during his declining years. Here is a man who cannot face hecklers, who dresses the part of the hero but who shies from military service or principled stands.

One might complain about how far the American people have fallen not to see this, but I think the problem is that they never rose to the level in the first place. If we are to be effective in deposing the Usurper this fall, we must point to the closed campaign rallies and his attempts to evade the town hall meeting where undecided voters will have a chance to ask him questions. This man could not face a committee of inquiry into 9-11 alone: he had to take Dick Cheney with him. The key to undermining Bush is to refuse to follow his script, to point at things he doesn’t walk to talk about and ask why.

Kerry can win, but only by an aggressive campaign which forces George W. Bush to speak to the Democratic Agenda and Talking Points. The key is to Ignore the RNC. Ask Bush to speak for himself and not from his teleprompter.

Were I Kerry, I would say at the end of the first debate: “To get access to me, you won’t have to sign a political loyalty oath. If you disagree with my policies, I will give you a hearing. I will not hide from you. I will not shy from press conferences. I will be there for you regardless of your religion or your party. When you want to know what I think, you can ask me and get a straight answer. A president is there for all the people, not just his friends. That’s been the problem these past four years. I will be there for all Americans, not just those who can buy their way in with money or sweet words.”

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