Home - Appeals and Goodwill - A Real Libertarian Initiative

A Real Libertarian Initiative

Posted on September 28, 2004 in Appeals and Goodwill Citizenship

square085.gifAcross the nation, Thursday is the deadline for registering to vote. Have you done it? Are you sure that you are registered? Did they purge you because you missed an obscure local election? Did you move? To be sure, go to a library or a post office or a Bush/Cheney campaign table (smile when you say you’re a Democrat, but mail the form yourself) and fill out the registration application. Make sure that it gets into your local election officials on or before the deadline day.

Also note this: you may have the right to time off for voting. Thirty states have such laws (including California). In faux libertarian territory, your boss may whine and squeal about Big Government interfering with his right to keep you from going to the polls, but stand your ground where the law is on your side. Time to Vote has the information you need to have enough time at the polls where it is required by law and suggestions for sweet-talking your way if you live in one of those places where panicky moderates and extreme rightists have prevented such laws from being enacted.

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