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Some quizzes

Posted on December 12, 2004 in Quizzes

you’re a wisdom angel. you cive advice to other
people and you’re smart and wise.

what kind of angel are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

I haven’t done this in a long time. Maybe a week but before that it was a long time. The temptation proved too much, so I tried a few pointless quizzes. You gotta wonder when the quizmaker can’t spell a common English word. (And you should see the html code!)

The Scottish selkie was a being who appeared to be
a seal, but had the ability to shed their skin
and roam the land in human form. If a human
were to happen upon the discarded seal skin, he
or she could hide it and force the selkie to
marry him or her. However, if the selkie were
to ever find the skin, he or she would
immediately reassume seal form and return to
the sea from whence they came, leaving their
spouse and offspring on land to forever mourn
their loss.

As a selkie, you are a very withdrawn, secretive
and somewhat sad person, and those around you
find you alluring and mystifying. People who
come into your life find it difficult to find
the inner you. You are also curious, but you
enjoy the comforts of home most of all.

Who is your inner Shapeshifter?
brought to you by Quizilla

Does this mean I am the Seal of Approval?

Maine Coon
You are a Maine Coon! You are larger than life, a
gentle giant. You are independent, but very
affectionate with your friends and family.

What breed of cat are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

And at this point, the server became unavailable! Miao!

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