Posted on February 14, 2005 in Roundup
Yes, it has been some time since I did this. The election and other matters led me to need some space so that my mind wouldn’t be pushed out the door and left to rust in the rain. Yes, it didn’t escape my notice that the move and my cessation of writing this feature led to a decided decrease in the number of visitors to this site. But it is back again, at least for the time being.
This roundup covers the period from February 6 to February 12 2005.
in Japan the holiday is about women giving chocolate to men. Period. I always thought that sucked and I always felt cheated. Men do not give valentines to women. People do not give valentines to family members. I don’t even think that many wives give valentines to their husbands. Basically single women have to give chocolate to the men they are fond of and they have to give obligatory chocolate (giri chocho) to the guys they work with. This is supposedly paid back on March 14, which is White Day. The only White Day gift I ever recall getting was a pair of underpants from a student I taught at Berlitz who gave them to me as kind of a joke. And they weren’t white.
I would recommend that any Haitians considering seeking asylum in the US that first they learn Spanish. Perhaps some time spent in a border town near the Dominican Republic would be a good place to start, but it is really important to learn Spanish fluently and acquire the right accent. Secondly, see if you can find a good map of Cuba and study the geography thoroughly.
Would the person who snuck into our house in the middle of the night a couple of weeks ago and replaced our sweet little child with an identical, yet utterly demonic replica please return the original item?
OK, so this isn’t as neat and complete as the old one. It’s my first week back. Give me a break!