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Turnout of the Ordinary Germans

Posted on March 4, 2005 in Citizenship

square291.gifMark Bloom sent me along a URL for a fascinating web site which seeks to set the record straight about Bush’s reception in Germany. These photos document the German reception for El Presidente-Not as one reporter saw it:

Some people say Mainz was not cozy but chilly.

A few others, such as Mr. Krauthammer on Fox news,
and a Mr. James G. Lakely of the Washington Times (neither of whom I have met), seem to suggest it was otherwise, warm and positive.

Perhaps there has been too much emphasis on the 12,000 angry protesters gathered for the ‘Bush Not Welcome!’ rally. Certainly there were many, many tens of thousands who greeted the President warmly.

After all, they had the day off work.

Wishes must be horses because the beggars of the W(R)ong ride their spin for all it is worth.

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