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Meet Me in Montauk 2

Posted on March 13, 2005 in Film Identity

square293.gif I’ve become a fan of Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, so much so that I went to the IMDB site and read everything I could about the film. Of particular interest to me was the trivia section where I learned:

Before Jim Carrey expressed interest in playing Joel, Nicolas Cage was considered for the role.

Casting disaster averted! I must confess a dislike for Nicolas Cage. I can only imagine his Joel as a whiny, bitter fellow. There’s a quality of light that Jim Carrey brings to the role that I don’t feel Cage can manage. Cage’s depressed people all come off like the drunk he played in Leaving Las Vegas. Carrey — who actually suffers from depression — brought the timidity and low energy that many of us know so well. He was an effective foil for Kate Winslet’s Clementine and he was likeable.

What else might have happened? Cage would have demanded a car chase and a gun. Carrey, on the other hand, was comfortable with the subdued pressures of the film — the mysterious dent in the car, the impulse to run to Montauk, the bewildering lack of recognition when he confronts his lover after her erasure. I can see Cage overdoing this part. Carrey portrayed a sensitive, confused man. The difference would have been between a base ball bat and a feather duster being used to clean a set of Hummels. Hollywood’s love for Cage is just too much. Carrey is the better actor over all and I am glad that they used him for this role.

After all, I wouldn’t want just anyone playing me, now, would I?

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