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The Disinformers Debunked

Posted on April 10, 2005 in Accountability Journalists & Pundits Lies

square045.gifI thought this was the end of Terri Schiavo for me, but the business about the Senate memo and the right wing bloggers’ refusal to admit that they called “hoax” before it was proved one way or another is just too precious for words. One wonders if they’ve been circulating more talking points saying what to do about folks who diss’ the late Pope, like my friend and part-time colleague Gustavo Arrellano. These are sneaky, low-down opportunists who have lied their way into power and will continue to lie and lie. Not all politicians are equal and not all parties are alike. There are serious reasons for the heads of certain journalists to fall over this if not a whole network

Haven’t we had enough of this? The Right Wing has focused on lies for many years. Let’s get down to the real issue: they hate good people who care about people. They despise honesty and sincerity. So they’ve spent years trying to raise a new generation of bigots and liars, ones who have sought to undo the New Deal because they are fundamentally Social Darwinists and, well, FDR showed that lie by educating the sons of the working class who, for their part, often proved to be smarter than the scions of the rich and respectable.

They could never have come to power telling the truth about themselves. They put up their best (Ronald Reagan and the Bushes are the best they can offer) and hoped that the pretty faces would allow them to cheat and steal. When caught, they claim everyone does it so there should be no punishment for their draft-dodging, AWOLs, stealing, embezzling, and lying ways.

What more can be said? The destruction of the nation may well continue under these Peronistas, adept at manipulating the white working class while pushing fascist agendas.

Trying to make political capital off a woman who wanted to die? Shame on the Right. There is no lie lower than a lie that says the truth is a lie.

Thanks to etherealgirl for some of the links.

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