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The Kingdom of the Blurry

Posted on April 12, 2005 in Anxiety Whines

square035.gifI can think of little more frustrating that my regular routine of losing my glasses. I’m having a hard day of it today because I have retraced my steps, studied the mass of wires at my feet, and had no luck in putting them to my eyes and nose. They seem to walk off, crab-like, and relocate themselves in the darndest places: beneath a magazine, in the cushions of a chair that I haven’t sat in for weeks, or under the blankets of the bed.

Today they seem to have outdone themselves in cunning. All my ranting and all my throwing aside of cover have failed, so far, to scare them out.

Lynn suggests to me that I should relax and focus on something else for a while before looking again. I’ve been doing this all afternoon and my anxiety mounts each time I resume and fail to find. These are my eyes, dammit, my means for reading the freeway signs and enjoying the fine detail in movies. Though my sight is better than most who must wear them, I find myself frustrated. I spent nearly 40 years enjoying better than normal vision. Now I am suddenly cast into the Kingdom of the Blurry and I yearn for the perfection that I had before.

I found them in a tortured position beside the bed. I can almost believe that they were injected there by the inclination of one of the cats….

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