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Official Sticker

Posted on May 24, 2005 in Paranoids

Lunatic Fringe

Hamburger Lad suggested this and here it is.

For those too young to know, Lunatic Fringe was the name which we used to refer to the extreme Right when they were out in the open about their plans to scour the land for disloyals, dispense with civil liberties, start wars everywhere they could, and destroy our social safety nets. The name is as apt now as it was then.

Kook was another term we used to call them by.

Back then, they didn’t bother to claim that they were Christians. Now they do but only because it gets some people to vote for them.

Then as now they kept black lists and worked to deny jobs to those they didn’t like. Then as now they wanted to eliminate Social Security and place the tax burden on the middle class instead of the rich in the name of “fairness”.

Feel free to download and use this sticker for yourself should you find yourself under surveillance by these wRong-wing clowns.

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