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I Like Howard Dean

Posted on June 15, 2005 in Civic Responsibility Liberals & Progressives Scoundrels

square252.gifThat’s for the record. Monday Dick Cheney, who I don’t like, told the nation that “nobody likes Howard Dean”. A statement that made me laugh and groan in surprise. Once upon a time, public officials didn’t say things like that. Well, liberals didn’t say stuff like that and the dignified conservatives of the past didn’t say things like that. We’re no longer dealing with dignified conservatives. I think Jim Dean says it best:

“Maybe his mother loved him, but I’ve never met anybody who does.” That’s what Dick Cheney had to say about my brother, Howard Dean, on Monday.

This wasn’t a quote from an insecure schoolyard bully at recess — this was our vice president speaking on prime time television. It’s outrageous!

But then again, this is a guy who has no regrets about misleading America into a war with Iraq and the deaths of over 1,700 brave men and women in uniform. He has no remorse over mismanaging our nation’s economy and running up the biggest deficit in history. He wants to destroy Social Security. And he has given away billions to his corporate cronies at Halliburton.

Howard has said a lot of things about Republicans, but he was wrong about Dick Cheney. Dick Cheney has worked a day in his life — and the nation is worse off because of it.

Vice President Cheney says he has never met anyone who likes Howard – well, it’s time for us to re-introduce ourselves to him.

Hello, Mr. Cheney. I like Howard Dean.

Your turn!

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