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Dobson 2: Champion of Bullies

Posted on August 11, 2005 in Hypocrites Psycho-bunk Stigma Violence

square272A thought came to me. Dobson isn’t after homosexuals at all. Not using the list I mentioned before. He is looking for sensitive men who will question his deeper motives. Having villified homosexuals (as an easy mark), he expands suspicion to include others who aren’t gay or lesbian, but merely look like them to some people*. This is culture war, friends, but not in the way it appears on the surface. Sure, they’ll take out the homosexuals and lesbians first. But the real target is people like me who speak up when they start pushing other people around.

Dobson isn’t a Christian. He practices a religion that has gone unchecked for ages: Bullyanality. As he swaggers about in his business suit dispensing his third rate checkout-line-based “psychology”, he champions the abusers over the abused. Look, for example, at item 5: “a susceptibility to be bullied by other boys”. When other kids pushed me around for being different as I walked down the street, Dobson would hold, it was all my fault. So when Jesus was crucified for being Jesus it was His fault and not the fault of the Roman soldiers and those quislings among the Jews who called for it?

This is nothing more than an earnest attempt to preserve ideological and superficial violence in our society. Yes, it is a Culture War. And with that declaration, I pull out my banner. James Dobson, I shall not allow you to destroy America. I shall not allow you to make America Home of the Bully. You and your organization must be exposed for what it is and mocked. The culture I want brooks no tolerance for your attitudes. It allows every boy to be the boy he wants to be so long as he respects the right of other boys to be as they are. That’s the Golden Rule, remember?

Americans, unite against this! Speak up for your rights to privacy and your rights to being yourself!

It’s a strange thing that I have observed: Many transvestites marry and have children. Many transsexual men become lesbians. Homosexuals? Just strange to folks like me, but hardly cause for hunting them down and declaring them a menace to society. They aren’t calling for persecution after all.

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