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Where there are no Mountains or Hills

Posted on August 12, 2005 in Accountability Occupation of Iraq Propaganda

square017Cindy Sheehan is getting so much blog coverage and media coverage that my neck is turning blue with envy. Wait. That’s the reflection off the flannel shirt I’m wearing.

It’s a good thing that she’d waking up America and showing Bush not as a “man of the people” but a gray-suited coward who takes a helicopter to get in and out of Fortress Crawford so that he won’t have to talk to her. The Right shows its true colors when it smears her: it’s not about honor or morality or family values but simply about meanness and greed. Some are saying that this is the turning point. I don’t know, but out there where there are no mountains or hills walling off the little world of George Bush from reality, Cindy Sheehan stands and waits for her answer.

Why did you lie, George? Why did you destroy a country for the sake of your corporate friends? Why can’t you talk to a Gold Star Mother? Why can’t you be a president* of all the people?

*Perhaps because he never was elected as one?

I have links to multiple commentaries and articles about Cindy Sheehan at Pax Nortona Annex.

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