Home - Foreign Relations - The Next Target

The Next Target

Posted on August 25, 2005 in Foreign Relations Liberty Occupation of Iraq Propaganda

square269The “Right” Wing protest against Cindy Sheehan reminds me of Alabaman law enforcement officers bringing out the dogs against Civil Rights protestors. The pro-war/pro-carnage/pro-lies extremists have captured the media (you don’t hear them call it “liberal” anymore do you?) and waged a heartless war against a courageous woman who simply asks what her son had to die for. “Freedom” they say as the Iraqis prepare to give women less of it than they had under Saddam Hussein. Among this crowd is Pat Robertson who, on Monday, called for the “assassination” of a foreign head of state and then — though he was recorded saying the exact word — denies that is what he meant. Cindy Sheehan stands by her words and the wRong despises her. Robertson calls for murder and follows it with a lie: they celebrate his “integrity”. At least until he is caught in a sex scandal.

So, after Sheehan and Chavez, who will be their next target? I predict Faithful America. Beginning this coming Sunday, they have asked churches to ring their bells once for each serviceperson who has died in the previous week. This kind of Christianity, based on the Gospels, has never appealed to the wRong. They prefer an eye for — well, really nothing when you come to calculate the difference between how many died at the World Trade Center versus how many have been slaughtered in Iraq and Afghanistan. The U.S. is well in the black. In practical application, “an eye for an eye” includes a prescription for when you stop: when the damage inflicted on you has been equaled by the damage you have wreaked. By their own version of Christianity, therefore, they have gone way, way overboard.

They will probably not bomb churches as they did during the civil rights movement. I predict, however, acts of vandalism, protests, and, perhaps, disruptions of services by the unfaithful. If Jesus himself were to come down and recite the Beatitudes, they would cite his drinking, his lack of a job, and his relationship with Mary of Bethany. In other words, no matter how pure, how honest, how true the utterances, they will attempt to hide their own lack of virtue by attacking the “character” of administration critics.

Faithful America has, in the words of the wRongful media, joined the ranks of “extremists”. But as Barry Goldwater said, “Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice.” And I would add that when true liberty is at stake, it can never be extremism. In the Land of the Free, the dangerous extremists are those attack the Constitution and support this foolhardy pretender to the Presidency .

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