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Insert A Trite Metaphor About a Corral

Posted on September 12, 2005 in Roundup

This roundup covers the period from 6 September to 11 September 2005.

square187Stories about the catastrophe following the disaster that was Hurricane Katrina made up a large piece of many a blogger’s article, if not the whole. Even blogs dedicated to the arts and more personal ones such as this cast aside their preferred microscopes on the world and zoomed in on the incompetent performance of President Bush. Surprisingly, much of the so-called liberal media did the same. But there were other stories:

Reasons for not giving to religious relief; an accusation that Bush was using the tragedy to undermine the People’s trust of the government so he could privatize even disaster relief; recent evidence that exonerates a climber accused of abandoning his brother on a dangerous Himalayan peak twenty years ago; a “Bra War” between Britain and China; saving the great apes; Lichenstein painting damaged; the death of Rehnquist; bizarre explanations for the storm; how Katrina shows that Bush is more than incompetent, he’s a crook; how Louisiana might have saved itself by going for Gore instead of Bush; Bush’s Blame Game; Christopher Hitchens continues to unravel; Katrina and race; the ghost of Anne Frank asks people not to read her diary; archaeologists discover an ancient race of skeleton people; the use and abuse of religion; Louisiana and Mississippi school children not being given a break after Katrina; a cancer victim is given a second chance at death; the fox (Bush) investigates the break in the hen house door; the last days of the American empire?; insurance companies will remain afloat; the making of a morgue; killer fire in Cairo; Chad saves money by forbidding its ministers to travel at government expense; lack of sleep is as bad as alcohol abuse; what is ailing Chirac; Bush suggests Gonzales for the Supreme Court; pot may help in weigh loss; Indian mother drowns infant because of AIDS; smokers more likely to go blind; the innocense of Kathleen Blanco; Bush’s sociopathy emerges; California legislature supports gay marriage; the world’s poor become poorer; India leases oil from Cuba; Pakistan complains that it is being singled out for its treatment of women; Gilligan dies; Pinochet tries to weasle out of his junta-era crimes trial; a Dutch fundamentalist party loses its funding because of sexism; using DNA to identify spitters; nine steps for rescuing America; why Mississippi should not bother bringing casinos back; FEMA bans photographs of dead bodies; how New Orleans will be drained; God, Karma, and Katrina; how money is being wasted on Alaskan pork barrel; making fun of black people affected by Katrina; why illegalization does not make abortion go away; Beijing arrests blind lawyer for promoting reproductive choice; infectious disease labs and the flood; Katrina pictures and first hand accounts; the charity of Al Gore, the President who should have been; Elmo executed; the French Quarter spared; the mystery of Arafat’s death; making an embryo out of the DNA of two mothers; a way to dispense insulin without the prick; how Americans are dying because of the war on terror; producing power with a backpack; Cheney loses his HMO coverage; and Colin Powell is mad as hell at the Bush Administration.

These stories and links may be best viewed by signing up for an account at bloglines.com and subscribing to http://www.bloglines.com/blog/gazissax.

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