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Insert a Trite Metaphor about a Corral

Posted on September 19, 2005 in Roundup

This roundup covers the period from 12 September to 18 September 2005.

square084I was overwhelmed, mid-week, by the volume of news and stopped reading for a couple of days. When I came back, there were hundreds of news articles from my usual sources to read. So I just read the blogs.

The stories that caught my eye included: AHnold’s electoral gambit in California; poverty as America’s national disgrace; rediscovery of community after Katrina; the tragedy called the John Birch Society; more on the death of Rehnquist; where oh where has Dick Cheney gone?; Mayor Nagin admits to a mistake — having faith that the Federal Government would help New Orleans in its hour of need; John Roberts snubs black leaders; Glenn Beck calls Katrina victims “scumbags”; how does one maintain detachment with a food addict?; a man who excels at sexism; a blackout in LALA Land; right wing myths about Katrina; Katrina exposes the incompetence of the Bush Administration — and how!; Rome sends the Inquisition to root out heresies in American seminaries; National Day of Prayer (oh God, save us from the neoconservatives); Blackwater in New Orleans; a wedding of the rich; does independence make women more beautiful?; military dictatorship in the USA?; a corporate history primer; how can you conduct an election with the chief opposition candidates in jail?; more Cat 4 and Cat 5 hurricanes due; Katrina and the Middle East Peace Process; why the Red Cross is not enough; counting the bodies in New Orleans; an explosion that is way out there; the face of women seeking abortion; and afflatus.

These stories and links may be best viewed by signing up for an account at bloglines.com and subscribing to http://www.bloglines.com/blog/gazissax.

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