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More on Men and Monkeys

Posted on September 21, 2005 in Evolution & Creation Spirituality and Being

square216Those who fear the theory of evolution because it ruins their illustrious pedigrees and sense of self (isn’t that ultimately the real reason? — if the Bible said that men came from monkeys, I think most who follow Fundamentalism would be either ignoring that part or burning the book) need to take a lesson from those who suffer from mental illness. When we’re at bottom, we often believe that we’re not the same person anymore. This comes from the mood swing, from our sense that our personality has somehow been irrevocably altered for the worst.

When I get in these low states, I try to remember two things: First, everything changes including me. Second, there is a continuity of existence: what is typing this article at the moment is connected to what wrote here three years ago. Every six to seven years all the cells in my body are replaced. Yet this changing mass of cells clutches to its sense of kinship with what passed before and never lets go.

So, addressing the true fear that drives the rejection of evolution I suggest simply this: even if your ancestors were rats or guinea pigs or three toed sloths, you are still you. Evolution culminates in this moment in many things and you are one of them. So much happened before you, so many survived long enough to breed and the result is you. What a wonder that is! You have every right to cherish yourself as unique. Evolution does not change the fact that you are who you are, body, faith, and accomplishments.

You are the same person you were before you knew the truth of an ancient earth and Life changing over time.

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