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Insert A Trite Metaphor About a Corral

Posted on November 21, 2005 in Roundup

This roundup covers the period from 14 November to 20 November 2005.

square048The revelations about Alito continued to flow. People continued to look for reasons why Dick Cheney might have been the power behind the destruction of Valerie Plame’s career and Judy Miller left the New York Times. The Bush Administration could not decide whether it liked torture or wasn’t doing it at all. Politics politics politics. I spent my week looking into different issues, naturally, the ones that meant something to my life or just made me laugh.

Those included continuing coverage of Hurricane Katrina; double standards for men and women; free trade hypocrisy; why Cuban elections are more honest than Ohio elections; Joseph P. Hoar calls for withdrawal from Iraq; euthanasia in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina; people will eat stale popcorn if it is served in a big bucket; and Oprah’s 25th anniversary.

Survivors are still haunted by the Killing Fields; gang member psychology; retired general says Bush is shortchanging veterans; men cover their depressions well; hippotherapy; warmer New England winters; Stephen Hawking thinks Bush’s plan to go to Mars is stupid; the evolution of the cichlid mandible; Pat Robertson tries to worm out of his bizarre statements against the people of Dover, Pennsylvania; and female brewers in ancient Peru.

India promises to punish oil profiteers; dead stubby-headed crocodiles; Libya ponders whether foreign medics spread HIV; restoring Gettysburg’s cyclorama; wild Louisiana under siege; C-Section popularity on the rise; mass avian deaths from bird flu; Japanese princess marries a commoner; the aftermath of the Parisian riots; intersex fish found off the California Coast; liberals said not to watch television; and Jimmy Carter calls the America he sees “unreal”.

Scott Adams fans rise to defend him against intelligent design accusations; why aspiring writers should be allowed to fail in public; Greece and Italy demand the return of plundered artifacts; Bush unsigns the War Crimes Treaty; FEMA kicks out refugees just in time for the holidays; whistleblowing journalist Bob Woodward turns into a toady and a syncophant; the Texas GOP promises to end its crime spree; and Eugene McCarthy passes on.

The uses of tin-foil beanies; writing about ethnic groups from their point of view; evaluating superspreaders of disease; Krauthammer and Will condemn ID; is your neighborhood overrun with invisible sex offenders?; half the firearms deaths in the USA are suicides; why Republicans hate America; online mental health group expels whistleblower; lousy work conditions sicken workers; a wingnut says that Revulsion to War isn’t a mental disorder; and Oklahoma has the highest rate of mental illness in the nation.

Relatives’ criticism can push a bipolar patient into an episode; an international association for people who dine over the kitchen sink; dungeness crabs are delicious; getting choked up over artichokes; most so-called “frivolous” lawsuits are not; clery petition in defense of evolution nears 10,000 signatures; and the image of Charles Darwin appears in a frying pan!

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