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Posted on November 24, 2005 in Festivals Weather

square300Either I am running hot or the weather is. Usually, I look forward to this time of bright sunshine and middlish temperatures. For the past several weeks, the air has felt too warm to me. I want it to be chilly. I want to walk outside wearing a t-shirt, not feeling the cold.

One certain sign of the season came when the gardeners went around the complex two weeks ago and spray-painted the dying patches of grass green. They weren’t very precise: parts of the sidewalk and the exposed roots of tree took on the color, too.

Today, we do the yams and go over to my aunt’s house. I don’t have much energy for the event, but I’ll probably liven up when I get there. Or hide from my mother’s organizing. Trouble is if she wants me (even if there is another loafer standing right there who could do the job just as well), she will go through the entire house and backyard looking for me. The trick: go out for a walk.

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.

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