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Insert a Trite Metaphor About a Corral

Posted on November 30, 2005 in Roundup

This roundup covers the period from 20 November to 27 November 2004.

square024It was a slow week and I was slower in recording what the news brought. Still murmurs about Alito and the whole matter of Valerie Plame where the fires grew hotter. I didn’t pay much attention to the news stories: the lives of other bloggers attracted more of my interest as I felt like the fading chalk on an alley wall. And yet I was not as down as all that.

Among the stories of the week were the appearance of mental anguish among Pakistani earthquake survivors; conservatives for Evolution; giantology; Bob Woodward loses respect; Cheney’s five deferments; looking for black holes; Mary Cheney gets a safe corporate job; risky treatments for Alzheimers; why people eat so much; rise in Hospital noise; Guatemalan secret police archive; Starbuck’s terrible coffee; Fox refuses to air an anti-Alito ad; and torture taxis.

Squid nuptial dances; the new Kansas science exam; treating panic disorder online; is exercise that good for depression?; Texas executed the wrong man (how surprising); a woman is elected as Liberia’s president; Pinochet spends his 90th birthday under house arrest; critics as eunuchs in a harem; CNN can’t get why there isn’t a controversy; Joe Biden suddenly turns anti-war, sort of; and a plague of bedbugs in New York City that Pat Robertson has not yet gleaned onto.

Pregnant woman fired by Catholic school; snitching in the White House; humility in Lousiana; knowing the difference between a sweet potato and a yam; Dr. Joyce Brothers talks about how to keep Thanksgiving stress-free; the controversy over when we would celebrate Thanksgiving; a guide to identifying fraud; market-model of dating; offices can be toxic (surprise! — DUH); more kids smoking pot than cigarettes; and is therapy all hot air?

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