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Vocabulary Quiz

Posted on January 17, 2006 in Civic Responsibility Quizzes

square237I picked this up — along with much of the best stuff I post here — in the latest issue of Harper’s. A 36-year old Bennington, Vermont teacher by the name of Bret Chenkin devised this test and upset the neoconjobs. I am sure it will anger some but delight most who come to this blog. See how you do:

  1. It is frightening the way the extreme right has (balled, arrogated) aspects of the Constitution and warped them for its own agenda.
  2. The fact that Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Bush have lied consistently about their role in Iraq has been (substantiated, largessed).
  3. I wish Bush would be (coherent, eschewed) for once during a speech, but there are theories that his everyday diction charms the below-average mind, thus ensuring him Republican votes.
  4. The many hateful programs initiated by the Bush Administration have been so (substantiate, invidious) that the country is now bitterly polarized.
  5. Bush often likes to (temporize, ramify) rather than get involved in actual debates.
  6. The governor should have been (excoriated, coherent) by the press for calling Democrats “girlie-men” but instead was invited to speak at the Republican convention; it only goes to show what kind of people they are.


  1. arrogated
  2. substantiated
  3. coherent
  4. invidious
  5. temporize
  6. excoriated

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