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Compliments and Predictions

Posted on April 3, 2006 in Depression

square320I lifted some of ennui’s wet stole off my shoulder when I decided that a compliment is nothing more than a compliment. One does not need to act on it to accept it. On this third day of apparent depression I tutored my student and pursued the dully impractical idea of not calling anyone for support. I checked in here several times hoping for a string of encouragement, but little came my way. Eventually I broke down and called a friend who predicted that I would have a great evening with Lynn.

I wish people wouldn’t add promises to what is already wrapped around one’s torso. I can’t swim in what I have already.

Ah shit. Rejection. What a mean world. If you get bad, you are expected to say thank you. But then people think the bad is good. If you don’t say thank you, you get neither bad or good. What a mad world.

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